Dr. rer. nat. Dominique Marcel Gückel
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Research Assistant
Phone +49 241 80 21168
Fax +49 241 80 22150
Address: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen
Office: room 2307 (building H) |
About me
I am a research assistant at the Embedded Software Laboratory of RWTH Aachen since January 2011. Before that, I used to be a scholarship holder in the DFG Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) AlgoSyn since January 2008. I conduct my research at the Embedded Software Laboratory of RWTH Aachen (Chair of Computer Science 11). The intention of my research is to extend the model checking tool [mc]square by synthesis functions.
Leader (lead editor) of the proceedings group for the Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, Dagstuhl 2010. Printed version available (ISBN 386-130-146-6). Online version of the volume available as
Bastian Schlich, Dominique Gückel, and Stefan Kowalewski. Modeling the Environment of Microcontrollers to Tackle the State-Explosion Problem in Model Checking. In Proceedings of Symposium Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (FORMS/FORMAT 2008), ISBN 978 963 236 138 3. PDF
Dominique Gückel. Retargeting a Hardware-Dependent Model Checker by Using Architecture Description Languages. In
Doctoral Symposium on Systems Software Verification (DS SSV 2009) , 4th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 09), ISSN 0935–3232.
Wolfgang Thomas, Kai Bollue, Dominique Gückel, Gustavo Quiros, Michaela Slaats and Michael Ummels. DFG Research Training Group “Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Discrete-Continuous Systems (AlgoSyn)”. In it - Information Technology, Volume 4 /2009, Oldenbourg, pp. 222-230.
Dominique Gückel, Bastian Schlich, Jörg Brauer, and Stefan Kowalewski. Synthesizing Simulators For Model Checking Microcontroller Binary Code. In Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Symposium on Design & Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-6611-5, pp. 313-316.
Dominique Gückel. Synthesis of Hardware Simulators for Use in Model Checking. In
Dagstuhl 2010. Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, ISBN 386-130-146-6, p. 76.
Dominique Gückel, Jörg Brauer, and Stefan Kowalewski. A System for Synthesizing Abstraction-Enabled Simulators for Binary Code Verification. In Proceedings of 5th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2010), ISBN 978-1-4244-5840-0, pp. 118-127.
Sebastian Biallas, Jörg Brauer, Dominique Gückel, and Stefan Kowalewski. On-The-Fly Path Reduction. 4th International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software (TTSS'10), to appear.
Thomas Reinbacher, Dominique Gückel, Martin Horauer, and Stefan Kowalewski. Testing Microcontroller Software Simulators. In Proceedings of the Workshop on SLE for CPS at INFORMATIK 2011 (WS4C11), to appear.
Dominique Gückel and Stefan Kowalewski. Automatic Derivation of Abstract Semantics From Instruction Set Descriptions. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Systems Software Verification (SSV 2011), to appear.
Bachelor / Diploma / Master Theses
Ivica Bogosavljevic: Synthesizing an Instruction Set Simulator for Model Checking Embedded Systems Software (Master thesis)
Sebastian Wehlmann: Tool-based implementation of a simulator for Renesas R8C/Tiny microcontrollers for extending the model checker [mc]square (Diploma thesis)
Tool-based implementation of a microcontroller simulator
Realization of abstraction techniques for supporting nondeterminism in synthetic simulators
Extending a simulator synthesis framework by static analyses
More topics are available on request.
Besides, I regularly supervise examinations in the lab course Hardwarenahe Programmierung (for undergraduate students in the bachelor programme). In the past, I also supervised exams in the lab course Elektronische Grundlagen für Informatiker (foundations of electronics for computer scientists).