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Julius Beerwerth, M.Sc. RWTH


Research Associate

Tel. +49 241 80 21170
Fax +49 241 80 22150

Email: beerwerth[at]embedded[dot]rwth-aachen[dot]de

Adress: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Office: Room 2314 (Building H)


I am part of the Cyber-Physical Mobility Group. I research service-oriented software architectures in the context of the SOMC project. My research interest include learning-based control, optimization and multi-agent systems.


If you are interested in a bachelor or master thesis, please contact me via email. Your own suggestions for topics are also possible.

HiWi/WiHi Jobs

Current job offers can be found here. Unsolicited applications are also welcome. Your application should include an overview of your grades and a short curriculum vitae.


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RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany