Testing Embedded Systems
In this seminar, we will discuss various methods that can be applied for testing embedded systems. Some of these techniques are already being applied within the industry, others are still being applied within the area of research.
In this lecture, we will take a look at the following methods (among others):
This seminar is arranged as a block seminar. The first meeting will take place at the end of the semester holidays or in the first week of the winter term. The actual block seminar will most probably take place in february 07. There will be deadlines in between that have to be met.
Theorem Proving
Model Checking - explicit
Model Checking - symbolic
Real-Time Model Checking
Model Checking of Hybrid Systems
Model-based Testing
Statistical Analysis: Abstract Interpretation
Statistic Tests: Reviews + Metrics
Statistic Tests: Data-Flow-Analysis + Control-Flow-Analysis
Dynamic Tests - Whitebox
Dynamic Tests - Blackbox
Model-in-the-Loop + Software-in-the-Loop
Processor-in-the-Loop + Hardware-in-the-Loop
Rapid Prototyping
Participation on all dates
Getting familiar with your topic on your own
Written elaboration of 15 pages / person using our template
Presentation of 45 minutes (strict) / person
Deadlines strict (You can send your files via email.):
The elaboration and the slides must be composed by yourself only. All sources, additional aids and quotations must be indicated. Quotations must be distinguishable.
Questions of general interest will be answered in the