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Automotive Software Engineering

<color #ed1c24>This course is no longer offered</color>


The topics of this proseminar will deal with the characterictics of software engineering for electronic systems in automobiles. We will present applied processes, models and tools used within this domain.


The assignment of the topics will take place during the obligatory introduction course on February, 13th at 4pm. There you will also get further information regarding the organization of the proseminar. The presentations will be held Wednesdays, from 10am to 11:30am in room AH3. You must attend all dates!


  • Schäuffele, Zurawka: Automotive Software Engineering, Vieweg 2004
  • Wietzke, Tran: Automotive Embedded Systeme, Springer 2005


  • Participation on all dates
  • Getting familiar with the given topic on your own
  • Written elaboration (German or English) of 10-12 pages
  • Presentation (German or English) of 30 minutes (strict)
  • The written elaboration must be delivered to the tutor 3 weeks, the slides 1 week prior to the presentation. You can send your files via e-mail.
  • The elaboration and the slides must be composed by yourself only. You must specify all sources and aids, as well as indicate all quotes.

The proseminar will be graded for Bachelor students! The grade consists of the elaboration grade (40%) and the presentation grade (50%) and miscellaneous (10%).


You're supposed to create your elaboration with LaTex using the template (with pdflatex). The following free-of-charge LaTex books could be of help:

  • The not so short Introduction to LaTex2e
  • AmS-LaTeX User's Guide
  • Latex Tutorium für Windows Nutzer

Linux provides the required LaTex packages and different editors in each distribution. Windows users can work with Miktex (LaTex for Windows); the editor of choice is TexnicCenter. For creating your bibliography, you can also use a graphical interface like Jabref besides the text editor. Hints considering the elaboration and literature research can be found on the pages of the computer science library.

Please consider the quoting guidelines. Those are mandatory except for the sections in grey!


There is no template for the presentation slides. You can create your slides using Powerpoint, Open Office or Latex. The slides should be suitable for a presentation with a beamer. You can find some hints on how to do presentations and speeches here.

Further Material

  • Slides of the introduction session
  • Quoting guidelines
  • LaTeX template for the elaboration


General questions can be discussed in the forum.


RWTH Aachen University - Chair of Computer Science 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Germany