Patrick Scheffe, M.Sc. RWTH

Member of the Cyber-physical Mobility Group


Research Assistant

Tel. +49 241 80 21184
Fax +49 241 80 22150

Email: scheffe[at]embedded[dot]rwth-aachen[dot]de

Address: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Room: 2314


My research focus lies on networked control systems in the context of the GROKO-Plan project. New approaches in networked control can be evaluated in the CPM Lab experimentally. The videos on YouTube give an impression of the CPM Lab and research done by members of the CPM Group.


Open topics in my research area usually exist. If you are interested in my research, we can meet up or you can contact me via email in order to draft a suitable thesis topic.

Students worked on the following topics under my supervision:



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