Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Polzer


I am a researcher at the chair of Embedded Software (RWTH Aachen University) since January 2006. In the first time I worked on a project called ZAMOMO. Within the project my interest was focused non-functional requirements and their integration into the model-based development process of Embedded Systems.

This work is the foundation for my current research on variable embedded systems. To this end a system is variable (for me) if one implementation provides a family of somehow different systems.

To manage this complexity I use the Eclipse Modelling Framework and different development fragments. These fragments (like Simulink models, XML configuration) are transformed in the Eclipse world. With methods like transformation, model combination and, analysis of the models I try manage the variability and handle the complexity.

Within the my research I work on different topics which are also accessible for students. Therefore feel free to write me an Email if you are interested in writing a thesis.



Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Polzer
Research Assistant

Phone +49 241 80 21160
Fax +49 241 80 22150

Address: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen
Office: room 2319 (building H)



Summer Semester 2006

Winter Semester 2006 / 07

Summer Semester 2007

Winter Semester 2007 / 08

Winter Semester 2008 / 09

Summer Semester 2009

Winter Semester 2009/10


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