This lecture teaches the basics and applications of static analysis and model checking in the domain of logic control software. To this end, common analyses and algorithms are applied to the cyclic execution model of programmable logic controllers. Topic are, among others:
The regular lecture and exercise dates are on Monday and Wednesday 10:30-12:00 in lecture hall AH II, starting on October 8th. More information can be found in the L2P course room
There will be voluntary exercise sheets published every week and solved in the exercise class. The lecture will be recorded on video (i.e. screen recording and microphone). The exercise class will not be recorded.
The first exam will be on February 4th at 10:30 (AH I, AH III, BS I)– the second exam on March 6th at 10:30 (AH II, AH III).
The contents of all lectures and exercise sheets will be relevant for the exam.