Hardware Programming


In this lab course, we will present hardware programming concepts. We will discuss the following topics amongst others:


Please specify the group you prefer when registering. You can also specify particular participants with whom you would like to be in one group. Do not forget to type in the respective matriculation numbers! We will do our best to take into account your preferences but cannot guarantee it.


The lab course will take place every two weeks. We offer the following groups:

Group Distribution

The distribution of groups will be announced when the registration period is over!

Lab Course Preparation

There will be an obligatory introduction to this lab course on October 18, 2007 at 10 am in room AH III. This introduction is adressed to all participants of the lab course.

The documents for each upcoming experiment session will be published in L²P prior to the respective experiment. Print out the documents and work through the respective tasks in order to prepare yourself for the experiment session.

If you have not prepared yourself, you MAY NOT participate due to safety reasons!


