====== Marius Molz, M.Sc. RWTH ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOCACHE~~ Member of the [[en:forschung:mobility|Cyber-physical Mobility Group]] ===== Contact ===== \\ Research Associate\\ \\ Tel. +49 241 80 21187\\ Fax +49 241 80 22150\\ \\ Email: molz[at]embedded[dot]rwth-aachen[dot]de\\ \\ Adress: Im Süsterfeld 9, 52072 Aachen, Germany\\ Office: Room 206\\ \\ ===== Research ===== I am part of the [[en:forschung:mobility|Cyber-Physical Mobility Group]]. I research service-oriented software architectures in the context of the [[en:forschung:mobility#autotechagil_funded_by_the_bmbf|AUTOtech.agil]] project. \\ ===== Theses ===== If you are interested in a bachelor or master thesis, please contact me via email. Your own suggestions for topics are also possible. ===== HiWi/WiHi Jobs ===== Current job offers can be found [[lehrstuhl:stellen|here]]. Unsolicited applications are also welcome. Your application should include an overview of your grades and a short curriculum vitae. \\ \\ ** Current Job Postings:​ ** \\ * [[https://​embedded.rwth-aachen.de/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=en:​forschung:​2024_autotechagil_software_development.pdf|Software Development in AUTOTech.agil (Student Assistant)]] =====Office hours===== By appointment =====Teaching===== | **Term** ​ | **Title** ​ | **Type** | | [[:lehre:sose24 |24 Summer]] | [[:lehre:sose24:seminar]] ​ | S | | ::: | [[:lehre:sose24:proseminar]] ​ | S |