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Press Review

Projekt eNav on center.tv

On the 20th of January 2012 eNav was on center.tv Aachen.
No english version available

Team MAVerix bei center.tv

On the 13th of January 2012 Team MAVerix was on center.tv Aachen.
No english version available

Januar 2012 - RWTH Insight

In its january issue RWTH Insight published a report on eNav. eNav is a navigation system for wheelchairs developed by the Chair of Computer Science 11.

January 2010 - RWTH Insight

RWTH Insight published an article in january about the victory of our Carolo-Cup team.

11.11.2008 - Financial Times Deutschland

Professor Kowalewski was cited in an article entitled “Programmierter Absturz” in the Financial Times Deutschland on 11 November 2008. The topic of the article is safety in embedded systems.

RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Deutschland