Research Assistant obster[at]embedded[dot]rwth-aachen[dot]de Phone: +49 241 80 21155 Fax: +49 241 80 22150 Address: Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen Office: Room 2313 (building H) |
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The following list might not be complete. You can ask me for further topic suggestions for a bachelor thesis or a master thesis. Own suggestions are possible as well.
Semester | Titel | Art |
Summer term 13 | Praktikum Systemprogrammierung | P |
Winter term 13/14 | Praktikum Systemprogrammierung | P |
Summer term 14 | Praktikum Systemprogrammierung | P |
SPOS xt: Exploring embedded applications | P | |
Sicherheit industrieller Steuerungssysteme | S |
Graduate celebration for Computer Science students of the RWTH Aachen. This year it is organized by the chair of Computer Science 11. http://www.sommerfest-informatik.de
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