Diese Übersetzung ist älter als das
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Diese Übersetzung ist älter als das
Original und ist eventuell veraltet.
Änderungen zeigen.
Verification and Program Analysis
Software is being used in all parts of daily life. It controls a multitude of systems such as cars, elevators, mobile phones, or production facilities. Software defects lead to increasing costs and can cause severe damage. In order to detect such bugs as early as possible, formal verification methods are applied. Such methods are able to analyze and verify software.
The topic of this seminar are advanced methods for verifying the quality and correctness of embedded software. Hence, these methods increase safety and reliability of the overall systems.
The seminar covers the following topics:
Model checking of embedded software
Architecture description languages
Automatic generation of software tools
Abstract interpretation
Static analysis
Abstraction techniques for model checking
Symbolic representation of state spaces
Constraint-based model checking
First meeting: 03.08.2009, 10am, room 2323. Compulsory attendance!
Presentations will be given at four dates: 01.12.2009, 08.12.2009, 15.12.2009, 22.12.2009 from 3pm to 5pm.