Basic introduction to technologies, functions and design of embedded systems: Typical requirements, examples of product and production automation, introduction to microcontrollers, introduction to logic control with PLCs, device technology, and according tools.
| Date | | News |
| 03/14/2007 | | Grades are online. The inspection (Klausureinsicht) will be on wednesday march 21st, 1 pm in the room 2323 (exercise room). |
| 01/30/2007 | | Added hardware platform selection lecture. |
| 01/23/2007 | | Added FPGAs in a nutshell lecture. |
| 01/17/2007 | | Major update on lecture material. |
| 01/09/2007 | | Exercise 5 added. |
| 12/13/2006 | | Exercise 4 added. |
| 11/29/2006 | | Exercise 3 added. |
| 11/28/2006 | | Added literature links. |
| 11/21/2006 | | Added exercise sheets. |
| 11/06/2006 | | There will be no lecture tomorrow, Tuesday 7th, because of the “Fachschaftsvollversammlung”. |
| 10/24/2006 | | Preleminary group assignment is finished. English group starts on October 24., German group starts on November 8th. |
| 10/16/2006 | | As there will be no lecture this tuesday (17.10.), there will be no exercise this wednesday (18.10.) either. Btw: the exercise starts a little earlier (90 + 15 min.) as the time for setting up the microcontrollers has been added. |
| Date | | Topic | | Documents |
| 2006-10-31 | | Organisation | | Slides |
| 2006-10-31 | | Introduction | | Slides |
| 2007-01-17 | | Microcontroller 1 | | Slides |
| 2007-01-17 | | Microcontroller 2 | | Slides |
| 2007-01-10 | | ADC/DAC (continued) | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | Microcontroller 3 | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | Introduction to logic control | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | PLCs 1 | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | PLCs 2 | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | Function Block Diagrams 1 | | Slides |
| 2007-01-10 | | Function Block Diagrams 2 | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | Instruction List | | Slides |
| 2006-01-17 | | Specification and Implementation | | Slides |
| 2006-01-23 | | FPGAs in a nutshell | | Slides |
| 2007-01-09 | | Hardware Platform Selection | | Slides |
| Date | | Topic | | Documents |
| 2007-01-09 | | PLC 2 | | Template file: acid dilution |
| 2006-12-13 | | PLC 1 | | Template File: Gas Burner |
| 2006-11-29 | | ADC Programming | | lcd.h |
| 2006-11-29 | | ADC Programming | | lcd.c |
| 2006-11-29 | | ADC | | Exercise 3 |
| 2006-11-15 | | Timers | | Exercise 2 |
| 2006-11-15 | | Interrupts | | Exercise 2 |
| 2006-11-08 | | General MCU Introduction | | Exercise 1 |
| Date | | Topic | | Documents |
| 2007-01-09 | | PLC 2 | | Exercise 5 |
| 2006-12-13 | | PLC 1 | | Exercise 4 |
| 2006-11-29 | | ADC Programming | | Exercise 3 |
| 2006-11-21 | | General introduction to ATMega16 | | Exercise 1 |
| 2006-11-21 | | Interrupts and Timers | | Exercise 2 |
Participation in the exercises on a regular basis followed by an exam at the end of the semester. During the first half of the exercises, students will work with the ATMEL ATmega16 AVR microcontroller (8bit RISC). In the second half, students will learn about PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers).
| Topic | | Engl. group | | Germ. group | ||
| Introduction | | 25.10. | | 08.11. | ||
| Timers/Interrupts | | 15.11. | | 22.11. | ||
| ADC | | 29.11. | | 06.12. | ||
| PLC1 | | 13.12.
=== Literature ===
RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Deutschland