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Diese Übersetzung ist älter als das
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Basics of Electrical Engineering for Computer Scientists
Participation in this lecture requires registration. Please register at the CampusOffice until 2006-11-13 at the following link: CampusOffice
The focus of this lecture is to mediate elementary knowledge of physical principles based on functionalities of electronical computers. Furthermore, we will provide you with an insight into the most fundamental technologies and concepts that are required for designing and analysing computer-based systems (e.g. for computer integration into physical environments).
The following topics will be addressed presumably:
Basics to Physics I: electric charge, electric field, potential, voltage, resistivity, Ohm's law, voltage divider, Kirchhoff's circuit laws
Basics to Physics II: capacity, condensator, charging curve, RC-lowpass, inductance, RLC-circuit
Semi-Conductor-Components I: p-n junction, diode, characteristic curve, applications: rectifier, AND/OR circuits
Semi-Conductor-Components II: bipolar junction transistor, characteristic curve, physical explanation (npn,pnp), applications: circuits, flip-flops
memory technologies: RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH
Programmable Logic: PAL, PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA
Hardware Design I: Introduction to VHDL
Hardware Design II: Synthesis of a simple control unit in VHDL
Analogous Circuits I: Operational amplifier, basic circuits: comparator, Schmitt-Trigger
Analogous Circuits II: Analog-Digital- and Digital-Analog-Conversion with operational amplifiers, pulse width moduled signals
microcontrollers: architecture, programming, applications
The structure of the lecture does not follow any specific book, however we recommend the following literature for a consolidation of lecture content:
R. Paul: Elektrotechnik und Elektronik für Informatiker.Bd.I, Teubner, Stuttgart 1994
G. Bosse: Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I. BI-Hochschultaschenbücker, Mannheim 1986
Schiffmann Schmitz: Technische Informatik (Springer Lehrbuch)
2nd Exam
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