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Modeling Technical and Physical Systems


This lab course will deal with different modes with which technical and respectively physical systems can be modeled:

  • Object-oriented physical models (e.g. Modelica)
  • Signal flow graphs (e.g. Simulink)
  • State machines
  • (Hybrid) automatons
  • Petri nets

The main focus will be on how to achieve a model that fits the application purpose. For this, the participants will model systems using various examples, implement and simulate these models in the respective environments and thus acquire experience in the design and application of models.

Preliminary Knowledge

As we will deepen and enhance some topics that have been introduced in the lecture Dynamic Systems for Computer Scientists, having participated in this lecture successfully will be of great advantage for you. Additionally, knowledge in automata theory, differential equations, physics or engineering sciences are a plus.


The lab course will take place Mondays from 08:15am until 11:30am in room 2323 (our seminar room). It will start on April, 14 2008 until July, 14th 2008.


We have arranged a virtual learning room in the l²p where you will have access to current news, exercise sheets, slides and further material concerning the lab course. On the l²p platform, you will also have the possibility to discuss lecture and exercise content with the respective tutors and other students.


RWTH Aachen - Lehrstuhl Informatik 11 - Ahornstr. 55 - 52074 Aachen - Deutschland